Frequently Asked Questions

And all the detailed answers!

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Is Aunt Zassy a real person?

She sure is real to us! Our founder looks an awful lot like her. Plus there is more than a bit of her personality and life experience baked in there, too... but Zassy is a lot more fun!

What is body doubling?

Body doubling is a strategy employed by individuals with ADHD and other neurodivergent brain styles. It simply means completing tasks alongside someone else. That can happen in real life, online, on video, or in our case, via a friendly face on an emotional support block!

The idea is that the body double keeps you anchored to the job at hand, helping with focus and staying on task. We like to think of our blocks as having a "buddy who has been there" to cheer you on!

Why are the kid helpers all potatoes?

They aren't really potatoes! They just dress like them. Alfie came to visit Zassy just as you see him, with his space powers, mission, potato outfit and all. He is simply an intergalactic nice guy, here to lead his crew of helpers.

He probably decided on a potato suit because Aunt Zassy once heard a kid say that he felt like he was being "potatoed" when he couldn't get started on his homework, and sat on the couch instead. It fits the feeling a lot of us with neurodivergent brains get, whenever we are stuck!

What does executive functioning mean?

Executive functioning refers to a set of brain skills that we use to learn, work, and manage daily life. Simply put, they help us plan, set goals for ourselves and get things done.

Many people with ADHD (and other neurodivergent styles) often struggle with executive functioning. This can make adulting tricky, especially in the areas of organization, task initiation and time blindness.

Task initiation is being able to start something when you intend to do it. Being unable to initiate a task is a particularly vexing challenge, because some people report it seems to be the hardest to start the things they really want (or need) to do!

Time blindness means being unable to accurately estimate how long a task will take to complete. This can be an issue with many consequences. Individuals who struggle with this may find themselves missing important deadlines, because they underestimate the time needed. Or, on the opposite side, avoiding tasks that seem like they will take "forever", but are actually quite quick!

p.s. We find Zassatask blocks are particularly helpful with task initiation, because they give a gentle, playful nudge to our reluctant, interest-driven brains. Who can resist starting a job with such a friendly helper?!

What ages are My Tato Blocks for?

My Tato Blocks are intended for about a third grade reading level and up, so starting around 8 years old. If you feel your child is ready for them younger, that's great! Just keep in mind that we make tools, not toys. All our blocks are very sturdy, and child-safe, but they are meant to be collectible companions, not playthings. If your believe your kiddo is ready to take care of a block and can read enough of the messages to find them helpful, you are all set!

Can I wash the blocks?

Aunt Zassy seals her blocks to protect them during practical use, but they are definitely NOT waterproof. Please keep them safe and dry. Try dusting them with a soft cloth now and then, if you like!

What if I have a request for a new block?

We would love to hear what you need! We have a long list of planned blocks. Aunt Zassy is flexible about which one she conjures up next, though, so please do send her a message!